Database Requirement Notes from IQ¶
Typed up notes from a document used by IQ as the basis for looking for a system to procure.
To be used by:
- Surgical Team
- Recipient Coordinators
- Living Donor Team
- Small bowel Team
- Pancreas Specialist Nurses
- Vascular Access nurses
- Transplant Clinic
- Anaesthetists
- Pharmacists
- Dieticians
- Researchers
- Tissue Typing
- Psychologists
Should produce reports for:
- Collaborative Transplant Study
- Renal Registry
Recipient Assessment¶
- Correspondence
- Referral Letter
- Surgical Assessment
- Further correspondence
- Nurse notes/emails
- Clinical Assessment
- Name of surgeon assessing patient
- Present history
- Past medical history
- Drugs and allergies
- Social history
- Examination
- Compliance
- Virology
- Cardiac Assessment
- Angio
- Cardiac MDT
- Diabetes
- DM type
- Date of diagnosis
- 24 hour insulin dose
- Pump or sensor
- Complications - (Peripheral Neuropathy, Autonomic Neuropathy, Hypoglycaemic unawareness, Retinopathy, gastroparesis)
- Renal
- Type of dialysis
- Native output
- Ureteric reflux
- Outflow obstruction
- Vascular access
- Type of fistula
- Intervential radiology
- Anaesthetic assessment
- Tissue Typing
- HLA Type
- Blood group
- Date of activation on waiting list
- Screening information (calculated reaction frequency %)
- Previous transplant offers
- Other investigations
- CT
- Lung function tests
- Duplex
- Listing meeting
- Names of doctors present
- Issues discussed
- Concerns
- Further investigations required
- Decision
Cadaveric Donor Assessment¶
- All information from EOS
- Follow up information from EOS regarding other organs from the same donor
Retrieval Data¶
- Retrieval Team
- Surgeon's Name
- Organs retrieved
- Perfusion solution
- Retrieval times
- Damage
- Quality of perfusion
- Machine perfusion
- NORS database
Living Donor Assessment¶
- Referral letters and all correspondence
- Surgical Assessment
- Investigations
- Back table
- Operation details
- Anasomosis times
- Calculated CIT
- Calculated WIT
- Automatic operation note with extra free text
- Post operative instructions
- Stent
- Perfusion culture
Post-operative Curse¶
- Duplex scan
- Rejection - Y/N, Date
- Biopsy - Date, Histology report/result
- Blood transfusion - Date, number of units
- Anticoagulation
- Drains
- Y/N
- Culture
- Chemistry
- Date removed
- Antibiotics
- Length of hospital stay
- Length of ITU stay
- Re-admissions to ITU
- Complications
- Infections
- Re-operations
- Collections
- Interventional radiology
- Medication during admission and on discharge
- Discharge summary automatically generated
Transplant Clinic¶
- Date
- Doctor/nurse
- Weight
- Blood pressure
- BMs
- Complications
- Graft dysfunction
- Medication
- Complications
- Operations
Labs results¶
- Biochemistry
- Drug levels
- Haematology
- Coagulation
Graft Function¶
- Graft Failure
- Date of failure
- Stent
- Missed follow-up
- Tacrolimus levels outside set range
Page 7: Diagram 1¶
Page 8: Diagram 2¶
- AR = Acute Rejection
- TEGS = Thromboelastograms
- OGTT = Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
- DGF = Delayed Graft Function
- OPA = Out Patients Assessment
- TT = Tissue Typing
Page 9: Diagram 3¶
- CxR = Chest X-Ray
- HNI = Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
2: Surgeon Assessment¶
- Year/age diagnosis
- Type I / II / Mody (Mature Onset of Diabetes of the Young)
- Insulin dose - total units
- Hypos Y/N
- Awareness / Unawareness
- Frequency of hypos
- Complications
- Peripheral Y/N
- Extent - Hands / Feet / Lower legs / Thighs
- Wheelchair Y/N
- Autonomic Y/N
- Vomiting Y/N
- Frequency
- Nausea
- Diarrohea / Constipation
- Gastric pacemaker Y/N
- Y/N
- Amputations Y/N
- Extent
- Ulcers Y/N
- MI Y/N (Myocardial Infarction)
- Stroke Y/N
- Clauidication Y/N
- Distance
- Y/N
- Laser Y/N
- Number
- Surgery
- Stable / Unstable
- Regular Follow Up
- Research Link
- Y/N
- Cause of renal failure
- Polycystic Kidneys - UTIs Y/N; Bleeds Y/N; Large kidneys Y/N; Previous nephrectomies
- Lupus - Antibodies Y/N; Previous thrombotic events: DVT's / Pulmonary Embolism / Miscarriage / Recurrant thrombosis of AVF; Previous treatment
- FSGS (focal segmental glomerulo sclerosis) - Fulminant; Recurrance; Type of treatment
- Biopsy proven Y/N
- Predialysis / dialysis
- (Estimated) start day
- HD (hemodialysis)
- Access type
- Problems Y/N
- HD days
- PD (Peritoneal Dialysis)
- Catheter inserted where?
- Previous peritonitus
- Exit site R/L
- Urine output volume
- Previous UTI Y/N
- Frequency UTIs
- Date of last UTI
- Renal stones
- Reflux
- Outflow obstruction symptoms
- Nocturia Y/N + Number
- Frequency Y/N + Number
- Hesitancy
- Dribbling
Previous Transplant¶
- Tx Type
- Date of Tx
- Reason for failure
- Previous donor TT
- Previous immunosuppresion
Past Medical History¶
- Cardiac
- Respiratory
- GI (Gastro Intestinal)
- GU (Genitourinary)
- Surgical
- Gynaecological
Current Drugs¶
Sensitising events¶
- Tx
- Pregnancies
- Blood transfusions
- CVS (Cardio Vascular System)
- RS (Respiritory System)
- Abdomen
- Pulses
- Fistula
- Hands
- Teeth
Decision to list¶
Generate Template Letter¶
3: Listing Meeting¶
- List of people present
- Further investigations
- Concerns and name of those with reservations
- Decision to list Y/N
4: Annual Review¶
...and Report / Letter Tissue Typing (about sensitisation status and calls)
- Insulin dose
- Hypos
- Awareness / Unawareness
- Frequency of hypos
New changes in complications...
- Peripheral Y/N
- Extent - Hands / Feet / Lower legs / Thighs
- Wheelchair Y/N
- Autonomic Y/N
- Vomiting Y/N
- Frequency
- Nausea
- Diarrohea / Constipation
- Gastric pacemaker Y/N
- Y/N
- Laser Y/N
- Number
- Surgery
- Stable / Unstable
- Y/N
- Amputations Y/N
- Extent - Toes; Forefoot; BKA (Below Knee); AKA (Above Knee);
- Ulcers Y/N
- MI Y/N
- CVA (stroke) Y/N <-- system alert need or carotid duplex
- Stroke Y/N
- Clauidication Y/N <-- system alert - lower limb & iliac duplex
- Distance
- Admissions during last year
- Transfusion or possible sensitisation events
- New problems
Social History¶
- Any changes?
5: Call / Selected for Transplant¶
- Not attended
- Unwell
- No transport
- Unable to find patient
- Patient refused
- Other
- Attended
- Back-up
- Donor did not die
- Organ not suitable
- Proceeded with transplant...
6: Donor¶
- Cadaveric - EOS Information
- Living donor - LRD (Living related donor) team
- Letters - Direct; Paired exchange; altruistic
- Team and surgeon
- DBD - cross clamp date and time
- Withdrawal time
- BP < 50
- As?stole
- Certification
- KTS (Knife to skin)
- Perfusion
- HTA A Number
- Type of solution
- Reported damage
- Abnormal anatomy
7: Organ and Backtable¶
- Name of surgeon and assistant
- Start time
Kidney R / L + Biopsy + Perfusion fluid culture¶
- Number of arteries
- Number of veins
- Number of ureters
- Number of patches
- Quality of patch
- Quality of arterial ostium
Backtable reconstruction¶
- Aortic patch shortened
- Ao patch sacrificed
- Arteries troussered
- Arteries anastomosed end-to-side to renal arteries
- Y/N
- Capsular
- Arterial
- Vein
- Ureter
- Substance of kidney
Perfusion solution on back table + batch number
Machine perfusion Y/N
- at retrieval / base
- time perfusion started / finished
- reason for perfusion
- kps (kidney perfusion solution) batch number
Pancreas + Perfusion fluid culture¶
- Fatty - No; Mild; Moderate; Severe
- Damage Type - Report to NHSBT + HTA B form
- Vascular reconstruction
- Preservation solution on back table
- UW (University of Wisconsin) Solution
- Batch number
Social History¶