Database Requirement Notes from IQ

Typed up notes from a document used by IQ as the basis for looking for a system to procure.


To be used by:

  1. Surgical Team
  2. Recipient Coordinators
  3. Living Donor Team
  4. Small bowel Team
  5. Pancreas Specialist Nurses
  6. Vascular Access nurses
  7. Transplant Clinic
  8. Anaesthetists
  9. Pharmacists
  10. Dieticians
  11. Researchers
  12. Tissue Typing
  13. Psychologists

Should produce reports for:

  1. NHSBT
  2. Collaborative Transplant Study
  3. Renal Registry

Recipient Assessment

  1. Correspondence
  2. Referral Letter
  3. Surgical Assessment
  4. Further correspondence
  5. Nurse notes/emails
  6. Clinical Assessment
  7. Name of surgeon assessing patient
  8. Present history
  9. Past medical history
  10. Drugs and allergies
  11. Social history
  12. Examination
  13. Compliance
  14. Virology
  15. CMV
  16. EBV
  17. Cardiac Assessment
  18. MPS
  19. ECHO
  20. Angio
  21. Cardiac MDT
  22. Diabetes
  23. DM type
  24. Date of diagnosis
  25. 24 hour insulin dose
  26. Pump or sensor
  27. Complications - (Peripheral Neuropathy, Autonomic Neuropathy, Hypoglycaemic unawareness, Retinopathy, gastroparesis)
  28. Renal
  29. Type of dialysis
  30. Native output
  31. Ureteric reflux
  32. Outflow obstruction
  33. UTI
  34. Vascular access
  35. Type of fistula
  36. Intervential radiology
  37. Anaesthetic assessment
  38. Tissue Typing
  39. HLA Type
  40. Blood group
  41. Date of activation on waiting list
  42. Screening information (calculated reaction frequency %)
  43. Previous transplant offers
  44. Other investigations
  45. CXR
  46. CT
  47. Lung function tests
  48. Duplex
  49. Listing meeting
  50. Names of doctors present
  51. Issues discussed
  52. Concerns
  53. Further investigations required
  54. Decision

Cadaveric Donor Assessment

  1. All information from EOS
  2. Follow up information from EOS regarding other organs from the same donor

Retrieval Data

  2. Retrieval Team
  3. Surgeon's Name
  4. Organs retrieved
  5. Perfusion solution
  6. Retrieval times
  7. Damage
  8. Quality of perfusion
  9. Machine perfusion
  10. NORS database

Living Donor Assessment

  1. Referral letters and all correspondence
  2. Surgical Assessment
  3. Investigations


  1. Back table
  2. Operation details
  3. Anasomosis times
  4. Calculated CIT
  5. Calculated WIT
  6. Automatic operation note with extra free text
  7. Post operative instructions
  8. Stent
  9. Perfusion culture

Post-operative Curse

  1. Duplex scan
  2. DGF Y/N
  3. Rejection - Y/N, Date
  4. Biopsy - Date, Histology report/result
  5. Blood transfusion - Date, number of units
  6. TEGS
  7. Anticoagulation
  8. Drains
  9. Y/N
  10. Culture
  11. Chemistry
  12. Date removed
  13. Antibiotics
  14. Length of hospital stay
  15. Length of ITU stay
  16. Re-admissions to ITU
  17. Complications
  18. Infections
  19. Re-operations
  20. Collections
  21. Interventional radiology
  22. Medication during admission and on discharge
  23. Discharge summary automatically generated

Transplant Clinic

  1. Date
  2. Doctor/nurse
  3. Weight
  4. Blood pressure
  5. BMs
  6. OGTT
  7. Complications
  8. Graft dysfunction
  9. Medication


  1. Complications
  2. Operations

Labs results

  1. Biochemistry
  2. Drug levels
  3. Haematology
  4. Coagulation

Graft Function

  1. Graft Failure
  2. Date of failure


  1. Stent
  2. Missed follow-up
  3. Tacrolimus levels outside set range
  4. CMV
  5. BKV PCR

Page 7: Diagram 1

Page 7: Diagram 1

Page 8: Diagram 2

Page 8: Diagram 2

  • AR = Acute Rejection
  • TEGS = Thromboelastograms
  • OGTT = Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
  • DGF = Delayed Graft Function
  • OPA = Out Patients Assessment
  • TT = Tissue Typing

Page 9: Diagram 3

Page 9: Diagram 3

  • CxR = Chest X-Ray
  • HNI = Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics

2: Surgeon Assessment


  • Year/age diagnosis
  • Type I / II / Mody (Mature Onset of Diabetes of the Young)
  • Insulin dose - total units
  • Hypos Y/N
  • Awareness / Unawareness
  • Frequency of hypos
  • Complications


  • Peripheral Y/N
  • Extent - Hands / Feet / Lower legs / Thighs
  • Wheelchair Y/N
  • Autonomic Y/N
  • Vomiting Y/N
  • Frequency
  • Nausea
  • Diarrohea / Constipation
  • Gastric pacemaker Y/N


  • Y/N
  • Amputations Y/N
  • Extent
  • Ulcers Y/N
  • MI Y/N (Myocardial Infarction)
  • Stroke Y/N
  • Clauidication Y/N
  • Distance


  • Y/N
  • Laser Y/N
  • Number
  • Surgery
  • Stable / Unstable
  • Regular Follow Up
  • Research Link


  • Y/N
  • Cause of renal failure
  • Polycystic Kidneys - UTIs Y/N; Bleeds Y/N; Large kidneys Y/N; Previous nephrectomies
  • Lupus - Antibodies Y/N; Previous thrombotic events: DVT's / Pulmonary Embolism / Miscarriage / Recurrant thrombosis of AVF; Previous treatment
  • FSGS (focal segmental glomerulo sclerosis) - Fulminant; Recurrance; Type of treatment
  • Biopsy proven Y/N
  • Predialysis / dialysis
  • (Estimated) start day
  • HD (hemodialysis)
  • Access type
  • Problems Y/N
  • HD days
  • PD (Peritoneal Dialysis)
  • Catheter inserted where?
  • Previous peritonitus
  • Exit site R/L
  • Urine output volume
  • Previous UTI Y/N
  • Frequency UTIs
  • Date of last UTI
  • Renal stones
  • Reflux
  • Outflow obstruction symptoms
  • Nocturia Y/N + Number
  • Frequency Y/N + Number
  • Hesitancy
  • Dribbling

Previous Transplant

  • Tx Type
  • Date of Tx
  • Reason for failure
  • Previous donor TT
  • Previous immunosuppresion

Past Medical History

  • Cardiac
  • Respiratory
  • GI (Gastro Intestinal)
  • GU (Genitourinary)
  • Surgical
  • Gynaecological

Current Drugs


Sensitising events

  • Tx
  • Pregnancies
  • Blood transfusions

Social History

  • Employment Y/N
  • Job
  • Disable Y/N
  • Wheelchair bound
  • Registered Blind
  • Lives with family / alone
  • Family numbers
  • Relatives / friends close by
  • Smoker Y/N
  • CPD (number per day)
  • Alcohol
  • Number units
  • Other recreational drugs


  • CVS (Cardio Vascular System)
  • RS (Respiritory System)
  • Abdomen
  • Pulses
  • Fistula
  • Hands
  • Teeth

Decision to list

Generate Template Letter

3: Listing Meeting

  • List of people present
  • Further investigations
  • Concerns and name of those with reservations
  • Decision to list Y/N

4: Annual Review

...and Report / Letter Tissue Typing (about sensitisation status and calls)


  • Insulin dose
  • Hypos
  • Awareness / Unawareness
  • Frequency of hypos

New changes in complications...


  • Peripheral Y/N
  • Extent - Hands / Feet / Lower legs / Thighs
  • Wheelchair Y/N
  • Autonomic Y/N
  • Vomiting Y/N
  • Frequency
  • Nausea
  • Diarrohea / Constipation
  • Gastric pacemaker Y/N


  • Y/N
  • Laser Y/N
  • Number
  • Surgery
  • Stable / Unstable


  • Y/N
  • Amputations Y/N
  • Extent - Toes; Forefoot; BKA (Below Knee); AKA (Above Knee);
  • Ulcers Y/N
  • MI Y/N
  • CVA (stroke) Y/N <-- system alert need or carotid duplex
  • Stroke Y/N
  • Clauidication Y/N <-- system alert - lower limb & iliac duplex
  • Distance
  • Admissions during last year
  • Transfusion or possible sensitisation events
  • New problems

Social History

  • Any changes?




  • Remain on waiting list
  • Suspend
  • Remove from waiting list

5: Call / Selected for Transplant

  • Not attended
  • Unwell
  • No transport
  • Unable to find patient
  • Patient refused
  • Other
  • Attended
  • Back-up
  • Donor did not die
  • Organ not suitable
  • Proceeded with transplant...

6: Donor

  • Cadaveric - EOS Information
  • Living donor - LRD (Living related donor) team
  • Letters - Direct; Paired exchange; altruistic


  • Team and surgeon
  • DBD - cross clamp date and time
  • DCD
  • Withdrawal time
  • BP < 50
  • As?stole
  • Certification
  • KTS (Knife to skin)
  • Perfusion
  • HTA A Number
  • Type of solution
  • Reported damage
  • Abnormal anatomy

7: Organ and Backtable

  • Name of surgeon and assistant
  • Start time

Kidney R / L + Biopsy + Perfusion fluid culture

  • Number of arteries
  • Number of veins
  • Number of ureters
  • Number of patches
  • Quality of patch
  • Quality of arterial ostium

Backtable reconstruction

  • Aortic patch shortened
  • Ao patch sacrificed
  • Arteries troussered
  • Arteries anastomosed end-to-side to renal arteries


  • Y/N
  • Capsular
  • Arterial
  • Vein
  • Ureter
  • Substance of kidney

Perfusion solution on back table + batch number

Machine perfusion Y/N

  • at retrieval / base
  • time perfusion started / finished
  • reason for perfusion
  • kps (kidney perfusion solution) batch number

Pancreas + Perfusion fluid culture

  • Fatty - No; Mild; Moderate; Severe
  • Damage Type - Report to NHSBT + HTA B form
  • Vascular reconstruction
  • Preservation solution on back table
  • UW (University of Wisconsin) Solution
  • Batch number

8: Transplant

  • Surgeon's name
  • Assistant's name
  • Consultant in charge

Templates for operations and back table

  • Kidney
  • SPK (Simultaneous Pancreas Kidney)
  • PTA (Pancreas Transplant Alone)
  • PAK (Pancreas After Kidney)

HTA B Form - Number keep for tracability