Project Setup Notes

Starting with notes from and development.rst. Note that development doesn’t talk about starting a new project with virtualenv!

Need to make a project directory using python 3.5.2 (latest as of time of writing)

  • mkproject -p /usr/local/bin/python3 diakonia

Results in us going to /Users/$USER$/Projects/diakonia

Create a project on github :, then clone it…

  • git clone diakonia-repo
  • ln -s ~/.virtualenvs/diakonia/lib ./lib
  • ln -s ~/.virtualenvs/diakonia/bin ./bin

Open project in PyCharm, and create requirements file (requirements/common.txt and development.txt).

  • pip install -r diakonia-repo/requirements/development.txt

Creating the intial project

Start the django project:

  • cd diakonia-repo
  • django-admin startproject diakonia

Then move some things around…

  • Move to diakonia-repo/
  • Move and rename diakonia/ to diakonia-repo/config/
  • Edit and to point at “config.settings”

After that, PyCharm will want a few settings tweaks (like Django support enabling, and pointing at the settings files). I tend to hold of on this until I've also sorted out the setup of Best Practice for settings and other folders/files that form part of the project boilerplate.

Dev System Notes

FHIRbase Install

On OS X 10.11.6, this has been a series of forward and backward steps.

Homebrew supports the latest version of software, and one or two older versions. For FHIRbase to install locally we need the following stack:

  • Postgres (v9.5.3 currently)
  • FHIRbase(2) - (v1.4.0 currently)
  • plv8 - []( (current is v1.5.3, but using v1.4.3 because it supports the older version of v8 available from the Homebrew Version archive)
  • v8 - via Homebrew Versions archive - (current is v5.1; but using v3.15 as this is the only historic version at present available)

Can now condense this down to the following:

  • brew install v8-315 -- only works since June 2016
  • pip install pgxnclient
  • LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/opt/v8-315/lib" CPATH="/usr/local/opt/v8-315/include" pgxnclient install plv8=1.4.3
  • Then we follow
    • psql -d postgres -- because there isn't a DB named after the local user. We now are in the PSQL CLI:
    • CREATE DATABASE fhirbase;. Then exit CLI
    • export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/fhirbase -- remember to escape any symbols in password
    • wget
    • unzip
    • cat fhirbase- | psql fhirbase
  • And it worked fine. Tested by creating patient storage, seeing new tables generated, and then removed the storage.

Sphinx Install

Sphinx is configured to create documentation outputs (#39), and scan for django code. The html documentation is then auto-generated by a Travis process for display via GitHub pages.

To publish:

  • In the diakonia repo, edit your documents (in /docs-source/_source/), and commit changes.

To manually generate the output:

  • From the cli, whilst in the diakonia virtualenv:
    • cd docs-source
    • make gh-html
    • For the quick commit, it can be: git add --all; git commit -m 'updates'; git push

Online documents can then be seen at which now redirects to the Diakonia project sub-folder.