
  • Reporting to NHSBT - Shirley Lockhart (Specialist Nurse) and Simon Northover + Rob Cookston
  • Pre-op spreadsheet data for matching, paper, emails
  • Maintain active data

Later work on updating clinical processes with electronic systems.

Meeting Notes

Mostly rough notes from CM below... WIP.

Meeting 27/10/16 - CM Notes

A review of what has been happening around the department regarding database plans was given, and the key note was made that the biggest objective is to digitise data and processes, not to be drawn into technical best fits, etc. The work on this project is to aide the digitisation migration and provide timely access to clinical and service data, ahead of other longer term plans for clinical data storage.

Consequently we are looking to go through a period of rapid iteration and take on a number of mini-projects to allow staff to evolve and learn from, that will lead to a larger overall solution.

We have selected the starting point to be the Referral Pro-forma document that is completed by the admin team and the surgeon, around the initial interview of an accepted patient. This will then feed into the population of the KP Spreadsheet dataset, which is our first data gathering area.

Emphasis was made that this is about handling human factors and user experience as a priority, and not just about technical coding - we need processes that reflect good clinical practices and systems that support that, rather than forcing users to adapt purely to systems in place.

Mini-projects identified so far:

  • Offer Review
  • Referral Acceptance <-- Starting Point for this project
  • KP DB
  • Recipient follow-up
  • Post Listing
  • Post Transplant
  • Patient Summary & Flow Tracking
  • EOS Integration and Digitisation
  • Reporting
  • Financial
  • Weekly Review
  • Referral Data Gathering

Meeting 2/9/16 - CM Notes


  • Organ offered, with NHSBT number (often for a specific patient)
  • Offer gets reviewed, with option to decline
  • On call consultant then gets verbal details, and decides yay or nay
  • HLA lab contacted to confirm compatibility
  • EOS (NHSBT data) transcribed into spreadsheet
  • Reporting done annually (financial year)
  • Some bodies report on clinical timing (when transplant happened, i.e. the start), others want after discharge

Transplant DB Xlsx

  • Offered data on the left (grey)
  • Recipient data on the right (yellow)
  • Acceptance and declined recorded in free text (grey - reason)


  • Process monitoring. Covers referral to end of listing ready for transplant.
  • Reports on 18 week breach date from recipient referral date. In that time they have to been seen, assessed, and listed (clock can be paused)
  • Annual cardiac checklist
  • List of suspended patients
  • Ability to produce a dated report would be handy, looking for patterns of problems
  • Maps out the process steps and data at each point, looking for where
  • There's a CRM need to keep all notes, and provide direct linking to copies of emails/documents
  • Potential to allow the patients to update their own data and alert on events like holidays
  • Report on patients for each referring trust/hospital. Have a system or screen that allows those trusts to see for themselves
  • Mps and echo systems are troublesome

Clinician wants a screen/screens for each patient with all the collected data

Pancreas Recipient DB (followup data)

  • Used for HSS monthly reporting
  • Tiertiary centres ask for their data from this
  • Most/all data comes from


  • Co-ordinating Nurse
  • Ward Clerk
  • Pharmacist
  • Paul Swan - Admin